Friday, December 18, 2009


Hi - We're Fred & Linda Chamberlain. This blog is a continuation of a talk prepared by the two of us, given at Terasem Movement, Inc.'s 5th Annual Colloquium on the Law of Futuristic Persons in Second Life (on Terasem Island), on December 10th, 2009.

The talk's title is Empowerment of Cybertwins as Trustees, Surrogates for Reanimation Decision Making, and Guardians of Cryonauts, Prior to Personality Interface Implementation by Mutual Consent. Video of a Power Point presentation essentiall as presented on Terasem Island may be seen at

Text of a longer version of the paper is available at:

This talk makes the assumption that those viewing it (or reading it) have a high degree of familiarity with the ideas of Ray Kurzweil, as expressed in his 2005 book "The Singularity is Near". The Amazon link for this work is at:

At a more detailed and focused level, the assumptions of cyberbeing emergence as referred to in the talk are well described by Dr. Martine Rothblatt in her blog, at:

The Terasem Journals are helpful for additional insights. They are accessible at:

Please add your ideas! Especially if you are inclined to consider cryonics as an option, this might be an additional pathway that would add to your confidence in choosing it. For those of you who are already signed up, what Terasem offers turns out to be a giant leap beyond the LifePact program we attempted to arouse interest in the late 1980's (as discussed further in the talk). In particular, the CyBeRev program is of interest. More information on that is at:

Details on our background re: cryonics may be found in a posting by Ben Best (President of the Cryonics Institute) on Wikipedia:

Thanks for your interest in this idea!

Boundless Life,

Fred & Linda Chamberlain

1 comment:

  1. Further Insights into the Value Associated with Cybertwins as Assistants Cryonauts and Their Partners

    A personal health challenge has given us further insights into the importance and usefulness of cybertwins that neither of us had foreseen when we made the original presentation of the cybertwin concept at the Terasem Movement, Inc.'s 5th Annual Colloquium on the Law of Futuristic Persons in Second Life (on Terasem Island on December 10th, 2009); see:

    Just a few weeks after that talk was presented, a personal health crisis brought to our attention an additional and urgent need that cybertwins will be able to fulfill for many cryonauts and their families. Having participated in cryonics rescue operations for nearly 40 years, we have seen many situations that demonstrated the concept “it’s always harder for the second partner”.

    A common scenario goes like this: Husband’s health fails and he needs to be frozen. His wife is also a cryonicist and spends months working to help get her loved one not only the best medical and hospice care, but also works tirelessly through the stress and emotional pain of getting her husband into suspension.

    Then, she’s all alone.

    No one is there for her. She has family members and friends, but none of them are cryonicists. Who will understand her grieving and give understanding emotional support? Who will be there for her when she needs to go into biostasis? What are the prospects that she won’t be frozen due interference of negative family and friends? Will her husband be revived only to find that she is not there to rejoin him?

    This is just a hypothetical couple. But the scenario is based on many similar situations that we have personally witnessed over the years. In one situation, the wife was the first to go into biostasis and was fully supported by her husband. Almost a decade later, while in a state of depression after living alone for so long, the husband committed suicide and was autopsied prior to being released to the suspension team. Will the biological damage be so great that his prospects of reanimation as a bio-being are too great?

    If partners with arrangements for biostasis both create cybertwins well in advance (barring accidents) of the need to go into biostasis, the cybertwins will be enormously helpful in many ways.

    First, the cybertwins will provide a great deal of peace of mind for the first of the partners going into biostasis. Instead of fretting about who will care for and look out for their partners who will remain behind. Cryonaut #1 will be able to relax and know that their partner will be looked after and comforted by a pair of cybertwins dedicated to seeing them both safely into suspension and back out again, either into bio-form or into cyber-form, depending on their individual preferences.

    Second, the surviving partner will no longer need worry about being alone with no one to help them when they need to go into biostasis. Or worse, find that when the time comes, they are surrounded by hostile family members and friends who might even interfere.

    We have seen this type of problem, in many variations, so many times over the decades that it is an enormous stress reliever to see this potential solution. As we approach our own need for biostasis, we personally feel the need and the promise that our cybertwins will represent. This realization has already increased our motivation to do our CyBeRev work and get our cybertwins up and functioning. We can hardly wait to join them in problem solving and planning sessions!
